Yokori Waspria

Our first love was the sea

A loyal lieutenant to the Maelstrom ashamed of his former crimes, attempting to atone with hands stained of different blood.

all pictures are done by me unless stated otherwise


Name: Yokori Waspria
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Midlander Hyur
Age: Late-Twenties
Nameday: 2nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Languages: Common, conversationally knows a bit of other languages through frequent travels
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Athletic
Relationship: Taken, polyamorous
Deity: Azeyma
Theme song:
Battle theme:
Voice claim: Dacre Montgomery
Alignment: Chaotic good
Specialization: Black Mage
Profession: Maelstrom Lieutenant
Interests: Alchemy, marine biology
Hobbies: Competitive chess, sparring
Likes: Petrichor, the feeling of sunrise, physical signs of affection, animals (especially if small), being needed for protection
Dislikes: Being in an empty building, heavy sweets, people who tend to be self-deprecating
Fears: The undead, physically and spiritually


Yokori formerly lived his life as a pirate during his youth as a result of sparse guidance, constantly sailing the Rhotano Sea with other young criminals in the making. He along with many other of the adolescents came from the same orphanage, congregating in a rebellious act and desire for independence and freedom, albeit in extreme measures. Despite his status, he was oddly one to disagree with making trouble and resorting to needless violence, but he followed this lifestyle purely for the thrill - and of course, for the gil and treasures along the way. During his time as a crew member, he gained immense knowledge in strategic combat and martial arts. He would later use this training to help prove himself worthy to fight for the Maelstrom in the future.The destruction of the Calamity was the turning point of his ways, refusing to cause more trouble for nothing when many were in dire need. He willingly abandoned his crew, though making many enemies for himself as a result, and began his journey on Vylbrand's land to help anyone he came across. Many of the valuables he earned on past voyages were spent to feed the poor and to help pay for reconstruction labor. Though his past criminal status would never be erased, his good deeds and diligence in rebuilding efforts would earn him a home in Limsa Lominsa, as well as an opportunity in the military ranks.The resilience in his heart kept his aether solidified and balanced, allowing him to push his limits further than what was standard. Although he had gained much skill in close combat, he aimed to pursue something that would allow him to use his full potential. On a temporary stay in Ul'dah, he had become curious of the teachings of black magic and began his diligent studies from there on, along with learning the specialties of alchemy. During this time, he learned that he is most closely attuned to the element of fire.Now specialized as a Black Mage, he is a lieutenant of Limsa Lominsa's Maelstrom under Chief Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn. Because of his role as an officer, most of his time is dedicated to his duties: the majority of his day is spent patrolling throughout the beautiful fields and coasts of La Noscea, or he is overseeing the training of new Storm recruits. From time to time, he may be in charge of mentoring a recruit who wishes to improve their skills as a Black Mage. While off duty, he can be seen in the markets of Limsa Lominsa or in the Drowning Wench enjoying friendly company.


Till sea swallows all 〉Yokori is a First Lieutenant in the Maelstrom ranks. His time is most dedicated to his militant life, often training and overseeing new recruits. Anyone is welcome to recognize him if you are also a part of the Maelstrom, no matter the rank.Perfect imperfections 〉There is an intimidatingly lengthy scar slashed down his left eye, though he pays no mind to how anyone may react to the sight. While his physical appearance may feel threatening to some, he proves to be quite easy to have a conversation with if one could look past his rugged disposition.

OOC Info

Name: Sun
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him, they/them
Timezone: PST
Style: Para, multi-para, though I'll mirror the other.
Due to life obligations, I'm currently not looking for any other long-term RP partners outside of those I have already established. Casual RP in-game is still open to anyone as long as I have the RP tag up.!!! I am only comfortable roleplaying with individuals who are 21+ (OOC and IC), do NOT approach me if you or your character is a minor. I'm not looking for ERP and reserve it only for those closest, despite how playful or flirtatious my OCs may seem and venues you may find me.!!! I will not tolerate any homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, and anything hateful or discriminatory whether OOC or IC.I do multiship, but I am currently not interested in shipping with others outside of people I trust very closely.My OCs do not reflect my personal opinions. I separate IC from OOC!
Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please talk to me! ♥
Art/main twitter: @fasunate | FFXIV twitter: @ancariis